Diversity Woman Magazine

FALL 2012

Leadership and Executive Development for women of all races, cultures and backgrounds

Issue link: https://diversitywoman.epubxp.com/i/91258

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Page 14 of 79

Upfront Are Companies Cultivating Women? Depends Who You Ask T hat gaps in pay and position still exist between men and women in the workplace is no secret. Tis inequity has led to a gap in perception. A new study reveals the distinct differences in how men and women perceive the efforts of organizations to recruit, develop, and retain their female workers. Te University of North Etc. Carolina leadership survey asked nearly a thousand professionals if they thought the number of women in senior leadership positions had increased in the past five years. Men were much more positive, with 57 percent saying the number had increased. Only 36 percent of female respondents thought so. When asked how effective their organiza- tions had been in recruiting women, 53 percent of men said they were extremely or moderately effective; only 33 percent of women said the same. Similarly, when asked if their organizations were effec- tive in retaining women, 73 percent of men said their organizations were extremely or moderately so, versus 52 percent of women. Te survey, conducted by UNC's Kenan-Flagler Busi- ness School, also showed that the development of women into leadership positions is a medium-to-low priority for many employers. Nearly half of respondents said developing women leaders was not on their strategic agenda. Fifty-two percent of women felt that it was not part of their organization's strategic agenda, versus 31 percent of men. "Tese differing perceptions can cause unintended consequences for companies," said Susan Cates, UNC Kenan-Flagler associate dean of executive development. "Organizations need to ensure that percep- tions match reality." www.diversitywoman.com Stars Who Mean Business > he may be Stacy Ann Ferguson to her mom, but she's Fergie to you: the Grammy Award–winning artist DQG IURQW SHUVRQ IRU WKH %ODFN (\HG 3HDV the second-best-selling digital artists in WKH ZRUOG %RWK RQ DQG RII WKH VWDJH VKH KDV DOZD\V EHHQ LQìXHQFHG E\ IDVKLRQ DQG creativity. Over the years her musical talents have made her a pop star, and her trendy, sexy style has made her an icon. Fergie has JUDFHG WKH FRYHU RI PXOWLSOH IDVKLRQ PDJD- ]LQHV WRSSHG EHVW GUHVVHG OLVWV DW VRPH RI the most exclusive events, and over the past IHZ \HDUV KDV WDNHQ KHU SDVVLRQ IRU IDVKLRQ RQH VWHS IXUWKHU E\ GHVLJQLQJ D JODPRURXV IRRWZHDU FROOHFWLRQ )HUJLH6KRHV FRP FDSWXUHV WKH HVVHQFH RI Fergie S WKH VLQJHUØV FRQëGHQFH DQG VW\OH FDWHULQJ WR IDVKLRQ IRUZDUG ZRPHQ DURXQG WKH ZRUOG and striving to create unabashedly sexy, LQGXOJHQW DQG FKLF IRRWZHDU 8VLQJ KHU RZQ OLIH DV LQVSLUDWLRQ )HUJLH KDV FUHDWHG IRXU FROOHFWLRQV WKH IXQN\ VWUHHW FKLF 5HPL[ WKH FDVXDO DQG FRRO .LFNLQØ %DFN WKH WUHQG\ DQG VH[\ 3DSDUD]]L 5HDG\ DQG WKH red carpet–worthy Glitterati. )RU QH[W VSULQJ KHU VKRHV ZLOO IHDWXUH EULJKW EROG FRORUV OLNH MHZHO WRQHV metallics, and neon, as well as decora- WLYH VWXGV DQG VWRQHV )HUJLH VDLG RI KHU IRRWZHDU Ú0\ OLQHV IRU VSULQJ UHDOO\ FDSWXUH WKH WUHQGV , OLNH $V ZH HQWHU WKH ëIWK \HDU RI WKLV SDUWQHUVKLS , FRXOGQØW be happier. What girl doesn't love shoes? 7KHVH OLQHV UHìHFW P\ VW\OHÖIHPLQLQH IXQ DQG VH[\ Û In addition to being a singer, songwrit- HU DQG IDVKLRQ GHVLJQHU )HUJLH KDV DOVR been a television host and actress. She ZDV D PHPEHU RI WKH FKLOGUHQØV 79 VHULHV Kids Incorporated and the girl group Wild 2UFKLG 6KRHV DUH QRW KHU RQO\ IRUD\ outside entertainment. In 2009, she be- came the latest celebrity minority inves- tor in the storied Miami Dolphins, and LQ VKH ODXQFKHG KHU RZQ SHUIXPH OLQH 2XWVSRNHQ XQGHU $YRQ Fall 2012 DIVERSITY WOMAN 13

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