Diversity Woman Magazine

FALL 2012

Leadership and Executive Development for women of all races, cultures and backgrounds

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DW Life Max Foods Power Up with Superstar Fruits and Veggies B By Linda Childers lueberries or raspberries? Broccoli or kale? We know these are good for us, but which give us the most bang for our nutritious buck? For several years now, nutritionists have been touting certain foods, often re- ferred to as "superfoods." While all fruits and vegetables have nutritional value, superfoods pack in even greater value, as they combine a big dose of multiple vita- mins, minerals, and other nutrients. "Tese whole and natural foods all pro- vide women with significant health ben- efits," says J. J. Virgin, one of the nation's foremost fitness and nutrition experts. Te author of Six Weeks to Sleeveless and Sexy and cohost of the TLC television reality series Freaky Eaters says there are certain superfoods that she regularly in- corporates into her diet. "Superfoods can help you to fight disease, lose weight, and feel and look your best." "Adding these foods to your meals can help prevent chronic diseases and improve your overall health," says Adiana Castro, a Spanish bilingual nutri- tion consultant, registered New York nutritionist, and founder of Compass Nutrition, a private nutrition counseling practice in Manhattan. Most women are concerned about what "Te effect your diet can have on how To Your Health you feel today as well as your health is amazing," Virgin says. "Tese superfoods are easy to find at grocery stores and farm- ers' markets and provide women with nu- merous disease-fighting nutrients." Many ongoing medi- cal studies are looking at the benefits of su- perfoods. Still, doctors caution that they are not a substitute for medicine. Health experts agree, however, that superfoods are a worthwhile addition to any well- balanced diet. We asked Virgin and Castro to give to take out of their daily diet in order to lose weight and obtain optimal health. Vir- gin says it's just as important to look at the superfoods you can add to your diet. Tomatoes Ú7KHVH DUH D ULFK VRXUFH RI O\FRSHQH Û VD\V 9LUJLQ ZKR UHFRPPHQGV JHWWLQJ WKUHH WR ëYH VHUYLQJV D ZHHN 6RPH VWXGLHV KDYH VXJJHVWHG WKDW O\FRSHQH PD\ SURWHFW DJDLQVW EUHDVW FDQFHU DQG DOVR ëJKW KHDUW GLVHDVH $ VWXG\ SXEOLVKHG LQ WKH American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine IRXQG WKDW WRPDWRHV DQG WRPDWR SURGXFWV DOVR GHFUHDVHG WKH ULVN RI FHUWDLQ FRQGLWLRQV OLNH RVWHRSRURVLV DQG FRJQLWLYH G\VIXQFWLRQ Blueberries Ú7KHVH DUH KLJK LQ DQWLR[LGDQWV DQG ìDYRQRLGV WKDW FDQ KHOS ORZHU \RXU ULVN RI KHDUW GLVHDVH DQG FDQFHU Û 9LUJLQ VD\V Ú,WØV HDV\ WR DGG EOXHEHUULHV WR \RJXUW RU HYHQ XVH WKHP RQ WRS RI RDWPHDO IRU EUHDNIDVW ,I \RX FDQØW ëQG IUHVK EHUULHV IUR]HQ EHUULHV ZRUN well, too." us the scoop on the top superfoods you need to know about and how you can easily incorporate them into your daily routine. > Broccoli Ú, FDOO WKLV D YHJHWDEOH URFN VWDU Û &DVWUR; VD\V Ú%URFFROL FRQWDLQV YLWDPLQ $ ZKLFK FDQ NHHS \RXU VNLQ KHDOWK\ DQG DOVR SURPRWHV JRRG YLVLRQ ,Q DGGLWLRQ EURFFROL FRQWDLQV IRODWH ZKLFK FDQ KHOS WR ZDUG RII GHSUHVVLRQ DQG NHHS \RXU EUDLQ \RXQJ Û www.diversitywoman.com Fall 2012 DIVERSITY WOMAN 59 THINKSTOCKPHOTOS AND SXC.HU.COM

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