Diversity Woman Magazine

FALL 2012

Leadership and Executive Development for women of all races, cultures and backgrounds

Issue link: https://diversitywoman.epubxp.com/i/91258

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Page 12 of 79

Upfront Versus Mobile Phones W here were you in 1992? If you had a mobile phone back then, chances are that, like Michael Douglas in the 1987 film Wall Street, you needed two hands to hold the device to your ear. Yesterday's cell phones not only looked like cord- less landline phones, they lacked most THEN Cellular phones were enormous devices that weighed a pound or more. &DU; SKRQHV FDPH LQ WKHLU RZQ GXIIHO EDJ 7KH ëUVW PRELOH SKRQHV ZHUH FOXQN\ DQG KDG PDQ\ EUHDNDEOH KDUGZDUH FRPSR- nents, such as large external antennas and removable batteries. Phones didn't come equipped with wire- less Internet connectivity—the Internet was just being built. functions of modern phones—except, of course, the ability to make a call. Many came with exorbi- tantly priced plans that were out of reach for everyday consumers. Tese days, 70 percent of the world's population has some sort of mobile device. Cell phones come equipped with GPS-reliant maps, built-in high- 3KRQHV FRXOG RQO\ PDNH YRLFH FDOOV $ IHZ FRXOG VHQG PHGLD PHVVDJHV Camera phones didn't even hit the PDUNHW XQWLO WKH ODWH V resolution cameras with color filters and video settings, and enough storage space to take most of your digital music library on the road. Because there's almost nothing a modern mobile phone Did you know? What is thought to be the first text message was sent in December 1992. In 2011, the Pew Internet and American Life Project found that American adults send or receive an average of 41.5 text messages per day. Worldwide, several tril- lion are now sent each year. NOW Today's lightweight mobile phones easily ëW LQ WKH SDOP RI \RXU KDQG All phones are car phones. (Just don't text and drive!) Cellular hardware is contained within the ERG\ RI WKH SKRQH 1HDUO\ HYHU\ VHUYLFH SURYLGHU RIIHUV D GDWD plan that allows you to connect with the ,QWHUQHW IURP MXVW DERXW DQ\ZKHUH Most phones can send and receive media messages, such as photos and short videos. Many smartphones also include YLGHR FDOOLQJ VRIWZDUH Most cell phones include cameras. Smart- phone cameras usually have a quality lens and high resolution. can't do, many busy women on the go wonder how they ever got anything done before the invention of smart- phone apps and the ubiquity of wireless Internet and Bluetooth. Here's a quick look at how the all-in-one cell phones of today compared with their predecessors. > www.diversitywoman.com Fall 2012 DIVERSITY WOMAN 11 THINKSTOCKPHOTOS

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